Step 11. Set Task Estimated Duration

Task estimated duration means the period during which you plan to do the task. You can estimate task duration in minutes, hours, days, or weeks. When the task is completed, you can compare estimated duration with actual and make better estimations for future tasks.

To set task estimated duration
  • In the Task dialog box, on the General tab, click the estimated duration that you want or type estimated minutes, hours, days, or weeks.

You should take into account that 1 day equals 24 hours and 1 week equals 7 days, which means that you can estimate task duration only in calendar days and calendar weeks, not in working days and working weeks…

…so if you want to count working time only, you should estimate task duration in hours.


Task estimated duration can be displayed in hours, in days, or in time format which was entered in the Estimated Time box (except for weeks and months).
  • To change task estimated duration format, on the Tools menu, click Options, and then in the Options dialog box, in the Format Estimated&Actual Time box, click the format that you want.

You can use summary footer to calculate sum, min, max, and average value of the task estimated duration of the tasks shown in the Task List view.
  • In the Task List view, right-click the summary footer under the Estimated Time column, and then click the option that you want.

Note that task groups in the Task Tree view automatically calculate the sum value in the Estimated Time column.

You can use the Charts pane to show estimated duration of tasks in the Column, Bar, Line, Area, or Pie diagram.
  • In the Task List view, click tasks which estimated duration you want to visualize; then in the Charts pane, in the toolbar, click Estimated Time, and in the toolbox, click the diagram type that you want.

You can sort, group, and filter tasks by estimated duration:
  • To sort tasks by estimated duration, click the Estimated Time column header.
  • To group tasks by estimated duration, drag the Estimated Time column header to the Group By Box.
  • To filter tasks by estimated duration, on the Task List - Filters pane, click the down-pointing triangle next to Estimated Time, and then set the filter condition.